Remember when I spent a semester in Romania many moons ago? Well I was reunited with some of the girls I lived with while there and it was glorious. At one time we all lived so close to each other, but now everyone one is off to different corners of the country. Tedi, Kelly, and Elisa you were missed but we look forward to seeing you soonish. At one point it was just us girls, now all of us are married and almost all have some babies...9 kids between us all, soon to be 10. I love these girls dearly and am so grateful they put up with me for 4 months. We had some crazy adventures in Eastern Europe. I wouldn't have wanted to share the good times and the bad with anyone else. Let's make sure we get together more often... please!
Our little man turned 6 weeks old yesterday.
For the past two nights he has slept for 9 hours straight! It's a miracle and we all feel refreshed. He is the best little Punchie. Time has flown by. I love that I get to stay home with this little guy every day. I don't love not getting to take a shower whenever I want or being able to just go out to lunch with friends whenever.
But that's ok since I got exactly what I wanted.
I'm one lucky mama.
These cuties are two of Michael's sisters, therefore they are also mine. They are pretty much amazing.
Let me explain.
I first met these girls when I went up to Michael's house one Thanksgiving when we first started dating. I was nervous to say the least. Meeting the fam is always scary right? Well, these two ladies made me feel right at home upon arrival. Ever since I've known them they have showered me with compliments, gifts and endless love. Carrie, without fail, every time I see her lets me know how much she has missed me and how glad she is to have me in her family. Susie has been known on many occasions to let me know how beautiful she thinks I am (talk about serious self esteem boosters). To make things even better, these girls are seriously talented in the music department. They can sit down at the piano and start signing some song in perfect harmony. They both have voices that could bring tears to your me. They are so willing to share of their talents at any time and/or place, yet they are so humble about their gifts. Double whammy.
I could go on and on but I was just thinking about these two ladies this morning and wanted to let you all know that I think they are pretty great.
Michael wants to learn how to shuffle. I want to learn how to shuffle. Banks wants to learn how to shuffle. This is our summer goal.
In other news, my parents are selling their home and moving to Utah County!
We are thrilled.
Have a baby and Gma and Gpa will come. They bought the greatest home in a little paradise among the cookie cutter developments in Highland. As you drive to the house, you feel like you are up in the mountains. The area is called Bull River and it's a cool little art community where you have to let the natural surroundings be natural and you can't tear down the trees and throw grass down. Plus, Dad now has a huge painting studio with mountain views and in the morning he gets to Hi-5 dear, in his own words. Pictures to come.
They are going to try and sell their house on their own first, and they asked me to make a little blog with details and pictures.
They just finished remodeling the whole thing about 5 months ago. This all happened pretty fast. The original plan was to rent the new house until Liz finishes up High School in about 4 years, then make the move down. But, they just felt like it was the right choice to make the move now, so that's what they're doing. Liz will be changing schools but Mom and Dad both have felt like it will be a good experience for Lizzie even though it will be hard at first.
So, if you know of anyone who wants to live in the much coveted Yale/Harvard neighborhood in Salt Lake let them know that this little ditty is on the market!
This is what happens after Bank's has been fed. He gets pretty sleepy and that's why we call him the drunk skunk...not sure what the skunk part has to do with anything besides it rhyming with drunk.