Michael and I just passed our 4 year anniversary. Good times. Plus, Michael's 27th Birthday will take place on the 27th so I figured I would do a little post bringing these two joyous events together. This is what I have to say about love and Michael.
Let the cheese start to melt.

Love is grand,
when you marry your best friend.

Sometimes you get lucky...REAL lucky. I love this picture for obvious reasons. Some of you may think this is too scandalous, he has a swim suit on of course. That first summer we were married was spent on Fisher's Island off the coast of Bloc Island. Michael was teaching windsurfing lessons every day and this was the outcome. Let's just say it did the body good...REAL good.

Michael is such a trooper when it comes to certain things that I like to do.
I LOVE to travel. Michael just loves to be with me. He is ever so willing to be my travel buddy even when I know he might prefer to be hangin out at home with me and his technologies.

We are kindred spirits.

Marriage it such a wonderful thing and it's sad to think that many people never figure that out. The honeymoon phase doesn't have to end. I honestly believe that if you work on your marriage, it can always feel that way. It's not something that just happens to "lucky" people.

Even though Michael is a nerd at heart, he has never made me feel insecure or silly. He always tells me about his work and computer things. I of course never know what he is talking about, but I still appreciate that he tells me about it and doesn't assume that I can't understand...even though that's case.

This was the first picture we took together. Don't mind my angry looking smile.
The next day he had it up as his desktop background. We were on a huge double date activity and his computer was right in the living room for everyone to see. I was so excited to see it blown up on his background even though we weren't "official" yet.
Such a brave move on his part.

Again, back to the traveling. Michael was totally supportive when I wanted to spend 6 weeks in El Salvador a few summers ago. It was THE hardest thing to be separated from him for that long but he was super proud of me. He came to pick me up and we had some fun adventures in Central America.

We're totally down with it.
Oh ya, did I mention that we still talk in baby voices to each other, even when we're alone. Our children might have speech impediments because of it.

I'm just glad I get to spend FOREVER with you.

Can't you tell that I'm one lucky birdie to be hitched to this guy for