Today we also celebrate the birth of a true Amazon Woman...or so I like to call her, because that is exactly what she is.
I have been truly blessed to have Cindy as my Mother in Law. While others complain about their M.I.L. as being a nightmare, I get to sit back and revel in the fact that my M.I.L. is a gem.
Let me explain.
She is a fountain of knowledge. She just knows so much about so much. Politics, education, mothering, food, remedies, gardening, music, you name it....she knows about it.
She is an active citizen when it comes to any type of government or political issues....she campaigns in her neighborhood each time an election comes around and makes sure her neighbors are not only signed up to vote, but she educates any who will listen about each candidate, their pro and cons.
Every summer, for who knows how long, she has taught swimming lessons in their pool. All day, in the sun, with a smile on her sun kissed face.
A few summers ago she traveled with my Father in Law to Guatemala with a Humanitarian organization. No worries that days before she was lying in bed, immobile, with a bad back or some type of serious ruptured disc. She took it like a soldier and still chose to travel to a third world country where she spent her days digging ditches...that's right....diggin ditches, bad back and all.
I have been truly blessed to have Cindy as my Mother in Law. While others complain about their M.I.L. as being a nightmare, I get to sit back and revel in the fact that my M.I.L. is a gem.
Let me explain.
She is a fountain of knowledge. She just knows so much about so much. Politics, education, mothering, food, remedies, gardening, music, you name it....she knows about it.
She is an active citizen when it comes to any type of government or political issues....she campaigns in her neighborhood each time an election comes around and makes sure her neighbors are not only signed up to vote, but she educates any who will listen about each candidate, their pro and cons.
Every summer, for who knows how long, she has taught swimming lessons in their pool. All day, in the sun, with a smile on her sun kissed face.
A few summers ago she traveled with my Father in Law to Guatemala with a Humanitarian organization. No worries that days before she was lying in bed, immobile, with a bad back or some type of serious ruptured disc. She took it like a soldier and still chose to travel to a third world country where she spent her days digging ditches...that's right....diggin ditches, bad back and all.
She's one of those people who is always happy, and she always has a positive attitude no matter the situation. Her home is open to all and you can always find neighbor kids hangin out because they feel so welcome and loved.
I'm convinced she can do anything. She's yet to prove me wrong.
Lastly, she raised my sweet Michael. He is the amazing husband and friend that he is today because of her. She is an amazing mother and I'm so grateful that I get to be a part of her life. I will be forever in her debt for teaching Michael to be such a hard worker, loving husband, friend, and brother, and for teaching him to do his own laundry.
So cheers to you Cindy,
I love you so much and am grateful to have you in my life.
I'm convinced she can do anything. She's yet to prove me wrong.
Lastly, she raised my sweet Michael. He is the amazing husband and friend that he is today because of her. She is an amazing mother and I'm so grateful that I get to be a part of her life. I will be forever in her debt for teaching Michael to be such a hard worker, loving husband, friend, and brother, and for teaching him to do his own laundry.
So cheers to you Cindy,
I love you so much and am grateful to have you in my life.
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